Friday, January 23, 2009

You and I... A poem for Fragile X Friday

I first posted this in August of 2008. I am posting it again in honor of Fragile X Friday.

You and I
I am strong, but you see weak.
I have a voice but you do not hear me
I can learn if your willing to teach me
You can learn from me if your willing to be taught
You and I are the same but you treat me differently
I have small feet but they can fill big shoes
I am faced with mountains, you call them mole hills.
I have limited patience, you are impatient with me.
You expect me to seek friendship, but you don’t want to be my friend.
You wonder why I am staring at you, it’s because you won’t stop looking at me.
I want to love you, but you don’t want to like me.
I am Fragile, you see broken
I am a child, and you are all around me.
-Bethany Euglow
To learn more about Fragile X visit:


Anonymous said...

awww :(

Mammatalk said...

Wow. What a poem.

Thanks for visiting me on my big, bloggy day!

TheXMom said...

Thank you. I wrote it one day, while I was watching the boys play in the yard.

ST said...

Great poem! Thanks for sharing it.

Jacie said...

left you an award at my blog Mom Stuff

Marshmallow Circus said...

I have no experience with anyone with fragile X but the poem is beautiful and your blog brings some awareness. :)

Rachel Ann said...

Thank you for stopping by on my SITS day last week. I appreciated all the bloggy love! Sorry I'm so long in returning the favor!!!