Wednesday, August 13, 2008

March 15 2007 - Todays Adventure

March 15- Well today started out a bit rough. The boys destroyed the living room last night, so I started off the morning cleaning, bright and early at 7 a.m. After the cleaning I threw some cinnamon rolls in the oven and started packing for the day's adventure to Mommy and Me. The boys woke up before I was finished packing so I had to stop to get them breakfast. At this point I'm not stressed. I finish packing the diaper bags and a cooler w/ drinks. Now, breakfast is over, and William has most of it in his hair, so he needs a bath. While I'm giving William a bath Jeremy decides it would be a good idea take his PJ's off and run around naked, no big deal. Okay bath is over, time to get dressed. I begin by gathering all necessary clothing and laying it out on the beds. Jeremy wants to argue about the shirt I've picked out…. Stress starts now. So we go few rounds and he gives up. Great now we have gone from right on schedule to running late. I finish helping Jeremy get dressed and move on to William, who isn't old enough to care what he wears. We get to the shoes and I can only find one shoe. Stress level increases to medium. I can't find the damn shoe anywhere!!! I look over, under, and between everything, including hubby's ass as he sits in the recliner watching me search for the shoe while he searches the net. Finally I've had enough and scream at him to help me find the shoe. Well he walks around a bit looking here and there, then walks into the boy's room and reappears with the shoe, claiming it was in the middle of the floor. Right where I should have seen it. I don't believe it was there. There is no way in hell the shoe was there. Now we are really late… and I look down at myself. I am still in a T-shirt and underwear. Stress level is now at high because I have to get ready in like 5 min no shower, no makeup, hair not done, and go out in public. I throw on the only clothes that fit me, grab my bag and I'm ready to head out the door. Wrong, I still have all my crap to load in the car, stroller, diaper bags, cooler. I give hubby the you better help me look and grabs the stroller and the cooler. I grab diaper bags and kids. We get to the bottom of the steps and Jeremy decides he would rather play with the neighbor's dog than get in the car, we are super late at this point. Stress level getting higher. I finally convince Jeremy to get in the car, and we're off. I arrive at the rec. center late but before my friend who invited me to join her. I unload everything and we head inside. As we are walking up the sidewalk I go over the rules with Jeremy, no hitting, no biting, the typical no no's. Half way through the rules, he looks and me and says "mommy shut it". I ignore him and continue, and he again says "mommy shut it" louder as if I didn't hear him the first time. Now I have to take a moment to tell him that wasn't nice and he responds with "me mean". So I address the issue a bit further, and we go inside. While inside William keeps crying, doesn't want to play with the other kids, instead he wants to be held. Jeremy runs everywhere except where he's supposed to be running. Finally I realize my kids are not Mommy and Me kids and ask my friend if she wants to go to the park instead. She does so I get our things together to leave, Jeremy doesn't want to give up the playground ball. He has a total moment. So I tell him that we will stop at the store on the way to the park and get a ball to play with. This conversation is taking place as I am dragging him out. Luckily he agrees by the time we reach the sidewalk and calms down. About 10 minutes pass and we pull into the Dollar General parking lot. I unload the kids, we go into the store. I put William in the cart and Jeremy walks. We get to the outdoor toy section and I tell Jeremy to pick out a ball, he picks out 5. I don't feel like arguing and they are only a dollar so I let it go. Then Jeremy runs, to the clothing section, comes back with an outfit, not the right size and says " hot, wear shorts" it was pretty warm out so I get the right size and make my way to the checkout. On the way to the checkout we just had to pass a horse, Jeremy's one obsession. He wants the horse, I tell him "no" because he already has one similar at home. Jeremy has moment #2. We finally get everything paid for and leave the store and head for Kids Castle. 40 minutes have passed since leaving Mommy and Me, and my friend was waiting at the park. We get to the playground I start to unload the cooler and the stroller, glance up and notice Jeremy is getting naked. So I go around to his door and open it and ask him what he's doing. He says "getting nakey" I ask why, he responds with "me hot". I explain to him that "nakey" at the park is inappropriate and he must wear clothes. He puts on the new shorts outfit and we move on. We make it past the parking lot to the play area. YAY!!! Everything is going great, kids are having a great time and so are the adults. The afternoon is going well, kids are playing, laughing, eating dirt and gravels. I put William in one of the baby swings, thinking he'll love it. WRONG!! He to hates it, and screams till I get him out. He's got to be the only kid I know who hates swinging. Moving on… a few hours pass and a little girl comes to the park with her mommy and new puppy. Jeremy notices the puppy but ignores it. Eventually he stops ignoring the puppy walks up to the little girl as she is leading it around grabs the leash says " thanks" to the girl and runs away with her puppy. The little girl has a meltdown and so does her mother. I make Jeremy give the dog back and tell him to say he's sorry. He refuses to say he's sorry so I drop it, he gave the dog back without having a moment so I consider myself lucky. Next comes my embarrassment. I'm one of the moms who plays with her kids as much as possible on the playground. I'm 7 mo pregnant so there wasn't much possible. I put William in the middle of a rubber bouncey bridge and I decide it would be a good idea to jump up and down at one end so he'll bounce. Picture it my very large pregnant self jumping up and down, everyone is staring at me, I don't care. 30 seconds later I care. Why because my very large pregnant self slipped and went sliding down the rubber bridge on my ass!!!. I look around everyone's still staring. So I play it cool as if I meant to slide. That pretty much sums up my afternoon adventure. All in all it was great, everyone had a blast. Can't wait to see what tomorrow will be like, we have Dr's appt in AM, playdate lunch and Spring Fling at Jeremy's school. I'll let ya know what happens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh wow...i remember when that was a typical day!!! This is the kind of writing that everybody judges first should read !!!
Thanks for publishing it !!