What song was number one when you were born??? The number one hit when I entered this world was "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson To find out what was number one when you were born click here... Visit Coming To You From The Land of Ahhs.. to see what was number one when Bloggymommy was born.
NOW You've Pissed Me Off
7 years ago
I love that song. It is so annoying to me that he is such a pervy freakshow because I love those old MJ songs!
Thanks for the link and stopping by my blog. I hope to see you around the Land of Ahhs.. more often! :)
Sir Duke by Steveie Wonder? What the?!?! Now Stephen's? My Ding a Ling! You see the humor! I know you do!!
What a cute link. My song was "The Night Chicago Died".
I checked out my sons also. Now I can add it to their scrapbook. Thanks
Mine is also Sir Duke. Never even heard that song. I'm so saddened. I was hoping for something from ABBA or someone else cool. Oh well. I guess you did manage to get a darn MJ song stuck in my head, "Billie Jean is not my lover......"
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